About Me

My photo
Durban, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
We each have our own blog but share the link... "On Traq" is Quinton's and Trace Angel is... Tracey's!!! We are parents of 3 lively kids who provide hours of entertainment and anecdotes. Quinton owns Samtraq Motor World which is a mechanical workshop in Waterfall, and Tracey spends most of her time languishing beside a river in Egypt!! Actually, Tracey works at Hillcrest Toyota as Receptionist and after hours is a Research Associate in the field of Child Development and Human Relations.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Downloading the white noise in my head...

There are certain things in life a person needs to experience. One being a loose tooth. My dear daughter has already lost her bottom two teeth but has not yet experienced the feeling of sticking her tongue under the very loose tooth only to have it pop out with the slightest twist! Her second (big) teeth decided to make their appearance BEHIND her little milk teeth! This is very unnecessary, however a trip to the dentist, about 8 minutes and R250 later all is sorted. Yesterday she had her second extraction. So last night the tooth was dutifully placed into her little pink slipper next to her bed, and off to sleep she went. I asked the "tooth fairy" to please do his thing as I was terribly tired and worried that she may not yet be fully asleep (bearing in mind it's school holiday's so the kids are staying awake a little later). 12:30am I was awoken to the sight of a devastated little 6 year old sobbing that the tooth fairy hadn't come yet. When i realised that it was literally the middle of the night, I told Sydney that she was probably on her way, a busy night, and that she should go back to sleep quickly so that the fairy can do her thing. Appeased, off she went. I lay there, first cursing the "tooth fairy" that he hadn't done his job, and then waiting until I was certain that she was soundly asleep so that I could assist the fairy. I re-awoke at 2:30 stressing that it was morning and that I'd failed my little girl, only to have the hugest sense of relief when I saw the time. Did my thing then fell back to a much appreciated sleep (which, however, was filled with the most RANDOM dreams!!) Dragged myself off to gym at 5am, did the very basics, including a whole 3 minute walk on the treadmill, this is because I lost all enthusiasm and quit that for the bicycle!! I'm sorry, I'm boring myself here.

Tomorrow is Quinton & my 10th Wedding Anniversary. How are we celebrating??? I'm playing Action Cricket after work with work for our quarterly team build and Quin's baby sitting!!! So we're going to do something on Friday. I must say, 10 years certainly flies by!!! Perhaps I should start writing that book i've always thought about... hmmmmm, dunno how interesting it would be to all, somewhere between comedy, satire, tragedy, more comedy ....

I've still not yet managed to loose any weight. The chart stares at me daily, mocking me because there is really NO CHANGE!!! I'm convincing myself that muscle weighs more than fat which is why there's been no change so then I started measuring myself... alas no change here either... so.... now i'm running (again... i'm convincing myself that walk 1 minute run 1 minute constitutes as running!) This will get the fat off!

I must say I'm looking foward to the long Easter Weekend (noooo, not all the chocolates) but Quin has promised to close shop tomorrow night and reopen on Tuesday. He never does this except at Christmas time so I'm really chuffed. Perhaps a little picnic with the kids at a park or even in the garden.

Last Saturday one of my 6 dearest friends left for Cape Town so on Wednesday we gathered to say cheers. hmmmm, ended up singing horribly awesome karaoke, laughing our sides sore and talking/shouting our voices hoarse. Some of us may or may not have smoke a bit of a cherry hubbly. Apparently very yummy!!!

Aaaah, I think that's enough for now. Sorry it's a little boring, it just needed to come out....

Until next time... have a FABULOUS day......

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